Privacy Policy
Effective Date: [•] May 2018
Northwood Investors LLC及其附属公司(“Northwood”)致力于保护我们网站访问者的隐私. 本隐私政策旨在帮助您了解我们如何在您访问我们的网站时收集和处理您的信息, and how we use such information. For the purposes of EU data protection laws, Northwood is the data controller (i.e. the company responsible for, and which controls the processing of your personal information). This Privacy Policy does not address our privacy practices concerning any personal information we collect as to our investors; we address those practices in separate notices sent to our investors or potential investors.
This Privacy Policy applies when you visit this website. Please note that this Privacy Policy applies only to this website, and not to any other website that may be linked to it. We do not control the privacy policies or practices of others. 我们鼓励您在向其他网站披露任何个人信息之前询问问题并阅读其隐私政策.
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, you can e-mail us at [email protected] or write to us at Privacy Matters, Northwood Investors LLC, 575 Fifth Avenue, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10017.
我们不会通过我们的网站收集您的任何个人信息,但下述情况除外. 个人信息是任何可以识别您个人身份或可识别您身份的信息, such as your name, postal address, e-mail address, or credit card information.
Website Visits: In general, 我们通过自动数据收集工具自动收集网站访问者的某些技术信息, including server logs, 哪些可能会收集您的浏览器发送给网站的某些标准信息,例如您的访问次数和频率. This information may include the URL of the last and next website you visit, your browser and operating system, your IP address, how long you spend on our website and what pages you view here. 我们可能会在汇总的基础上使用这些信息,以更好地了解我们的访问者如何使用我们的网站, research our visitors’ demographics, interests, and behavior, improve our website, provide visitors with customized services and information, and for other similar purposes.
Please see below for information concerning our use of cookies and other tracking technologies.
We do not control any cookies, web beacons or other similar devices that may be placed on our website by third parties.
Other: 如果您通过我们的网站自愿提供,我们将收集您的任何其他个人信息,例如通过提供您的电子邮件地址和其他个人信息来接收有关我们的进一步信息,我们将使用这些个人信息来处理和响应您的查询和请求, and to improve our website and offerings. You are under no obligation to provide any such information. However, if you should choose to withhold requested information, we may not be able to provide you with certain services.
The provision of personal information by you may be necessary where we have a legitimate interest to carry out the following purposes: (i) to contact you and respond to your requests and enquiries; (ii) for business administration, including statistical analysis; (iii) to personalise your visit to the website and to assist you while you use the website; (iv) to improve the website by helping us understand who uses the website; and (v) to comply with applicable laws, regulations or codes of practice.
We may share your non-personally identifiable information with others, such as investors, for informational or promotional purposes. Non-personally identifiable information is information that does not personally identify you, including anonymous information and aggregate data.
We may use service providers to facilitate our services and perform functions on our behalf, such as providing technical, analytical and hosting functions for our website. 我们也可能与诺思伍德的附属公司和顾问分享您的个人信息. 这些公司和个人可以访问我们通过网站收集的您的个人信息, 在法律允许和需要的情况下,在遵守诺斯伍德的隐私惯例和政策的情况下履行其职能, but may not use it for any other purpose. We require that these companies and individuals otherwise keep this information confidential. Northwood reserves the right to transfer any and all information that we collect from users, or that we otherwise collect in connection with the website, including, without limitation, to third parties, in the event of any liquidation or dissolution, or a sale or transfer of assets or of any portion of, our business. We will not otherwise share your personal information, except as required by law, requested by governmental entity or law enforcement authority, subpoena, court order or discovery request, 或者当我们善意地相信该等披露与任何违反法律的活动(包括与知识产权有关的活动)有关时是必要的或适当的, fraud, contracts and privacy) or may expose us to liability. We can (and you authorize us to) disclose any of your information in such circumstances.
The security of your information is important to us. We employ several different technical, 管理和物理安全措施,以保护您通过我们的网站提供的任何个人信息免遭未经授权的访问或使用. You should be aware, however, that “perfect security” does not exist on the Internet, 而且,未经授权的人可能会访问或使用您的个人信息,这种风险始终存在. You use our website and send us such information at your own risk. 诺思伍德保留您的个人信息,只要有必要,以满足收集该等个人信息的目的,并遵守适用法律或其他26个月的期限.
EEA(“欧洲经济区”)中的个人拥有某些可能受到限制和/或限制的数据主体权利. These rights include the: (i) right to request access to and rectification or erasure of their personal information; (ii) right to obtain restriction of processing or to object to processing of their personal information; and (iii) the right to data portability. 欧盟的个人也有权就其个人信息的处理向当地数据保护机构提出投诉.
If you have any questions as to this Privacy Policy, 或希望通知我们您通过本网站提供给我们的任何个人信息的任何错误或更改, or if you are based in the EEA and would like to exercise your data subject rights, you can e-mail us at [email protected] or write to us at Privacy Matters, Northwood Investors LLC, 575 Fifth Avenue, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10017.
Cookies are small, sometimes encrypted text files that are stored on computer hard drives by websites that you visit. 它们被用来帮助用户有效地浏览网站,并为网站所有者提供信息. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, please visit
When you visit our website, we may place a “cookie” or other online tracking device (e.g. Web beacons) in order to improve your experience by recognising you when you visit the website, such as by assigning a session ID and to deliver content specific to your interests. The cookies we place may also collect information about your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, or click stream data within our website (i.e. the actions taken in connection with the website). This information helps us improve the functionality of the website.
We also use cookies provided by Google Analytics to help us measure how visitors use the website. The information collected is used for a variety of purposes, including, but not limited to, site traffic reporting, unique visitor counts, and content optimization. Although Google Analytics logs the information coming from the website on our behalf, we control how the data may and may not be used. If you do not want to help us learn how to improve the website, you can opt-out of this website analysis tool by clicking:
Web browsers often allow you to erase existing cookies from your hard drive, block the use of cookies and/or be notified when cookies are encountered. If you elect to block cookies, 请注意,您可能无法充分利用本网站的特性和功能.
You are solely responsible for complying with all local laws, rules and regulations regarding online conduct and website access. When you are located in the EEA, personal information collected from you, including via the website, will be transferred to recipients in countries located outside the EEA, (包括本网站所在的美国),这些国家没有提供与欧洲经济区国家类似或足够的保护水平. You hereby expressly consent to the transfer of your personal information to recipients, as described in this Privacy Policy, which are located outside the EEA. You can withdraw your consent at any time.
We may revise or supplement this policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use or share your personal information, 在变更生效之前,我们将在我们的网站上发布显著的公告通知您. 您可以参照本页顶部注明的“现行政策生效日期”确定本隐私政策自您上次访问后是否进行了修订. 我们鼓励您不断参考本政策,以便了解我们现行的隐私政策.
Effective Date: [•] May 2018 Copywrite 2020